Words have Meaning – Artists Synchroblog

Having wound down my time as editor of MAGC’s MAGazine, I’m now refocusing my energy on my own work and my long-neglected blog.

The Artists Synchroblog is a group of bloggers who post every other month on the same topic, sharing our experience or perspective. On alternate months we undertake a Pinterest Project where we each take inspiration from a pinterest picture, create something (art, a meal, a DIY project, etc) and then post about it.


This month’s theme is “Words have Meaning”.

I became a big believer in the power of affirmations years ago when I used the ones published in Louise Hay’s book “Heal Your Body” as a starting point to cure myself of asthma.  I went from having multiple daily attacks and monthly refills of Ventolin to nothing. My last inhaler was so little used that it expired with most of its contents intact.

I always know which affirmation is the right one for me now because I take an involuntary deep breath. It’s like my body says “AHHH! Yes!”

So it was no surprise when I reacted a few weeks ago to a graphic with Chakra affirmations posted by one of my Facebook friends.  Unfortunately I didn’t save the graphic, for which I’m kicking myself now, so this is my (revised) version. Starting at the base chakra and going up through all the affirmations, ending with “I AM WHOLE” has been a fabulously healing meditation for me.

A wonderful side effect of this meditation has been finding inspiration for a bunch of new projects, which I’m looking forward to working on in the coming weeks.


Please visit the other bloggers this month:

















YOJ09-05 The Caged Heart Grows Cold

The Caged Heart Grows Cold or Portrait of the Artist circa 1998 (2009)
Bare copper, polymer coated copper, wool
Constructed, needle-felted
Pendant:  L 7.5 cm x W 4.2 cm; Neckwire:  L 45 cm

I’ve been debating with myself for three weeks about what and how much to write about this week’s entry.  I made the felted heart in week 2, but then discovered that studio gremlins had made off with my copper wire…  I finally found a small spool of it last week, so was able to start work on the project.  The gremlins are refusing to let go of the rest, though, so this is the last copper piece I’m going to be making for the time being.

I spent a lot of time during my hiatus meditating on the direction I should go with my jewellery.  Time and time again I’ve gotten the message that my jewellery needs to connect with the spirit, and express more of my inner voice.

So, my piece this week speaks from a very personal perspective.  The very long story behind it is one that only my very closest friends have known about before now.